Can you remember the last time you felt truly well? Has it been weeks? Months? Years, even? There was a time, I bet, when you felt great. You had no aches and pains. You never thought about your digestive system. You slept great and had always had plenty of energy. I call that vibrant health– when you just feel alive and can experience the joy of life without distraction. Well, you can feel great again too.
Hi, I’m Jon-Erik Lido, Licensed Acupuncturist and owner of Balanced Being Acupuncture. I help people find lost energy, release pain, balance their body’s systems to feel great again. It is my passion to help create vibrant health in people so they can richly enjoy life.
Drugs are amazing tools that can benefit many people. Unfortunately, most of them don’t cure anything- they’re designed simply to mask your symptoms while the underlying condition that caused those symptoms remains unchanged. Between all the side-effects and drug interactions, I’m wondering if you have considered the consequences of taking medications for the rest of your life. Since you’re here you must realize that there has to be a better and safer way to great health.
Indeed, for thousands of years billions of people have used acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for effective health care. It hardly seems right to label acupuncture “alternative medicine” then, doesn’t it?
Instead of treating your symptoms, I will help balance the functioning of your body’s systems. The scientific term for that balance is “homeostasis”. Your body contains complex, interconnected systems designed to balance each other. Factors like injury, fatigue, poor diet, and stress can overwhelm your body’s ability to achieve a healthy state of balance. Imbalances that develop create the many symptoms of different diseases. When you receive acupuncture your body is returned to the naturally healthy balanced state where it is able to heal itself. When you think about acupuncture and disease, think about creating health through balance. So many conditions are caused by imbalances when you think about it. This is exactly why acupuncture is so effective for so many conditions. Acupuncture treats the imbalance that leads to disease.
In health you look and feel different. You too can feel great again. I hope you will take advantage of all that acupuncture has to offer. Since you may be curious about what to expect at your first visit I’ve written a page that explains the process. If you are ready to take the next step you can click the link below to schedule an appointment now.
Free Consultation
I want you to be 100% comfortable with the entire process and be clear that acupuncture is right for you. That’s why I’m also offering a free face-to-face consultation. When we sit down together we will spend a half-hour discussing your concerns and health history. I wonder when the last time was that your medical doctor spent a half hour talking to you about your health? There are no obligations on your part, and you’ll get absolutely no pressure from me to take the next step. I simply trust that you will really enjoy working with me and will want to try acupuncture. If I wasn’t confident of that I wouldn’t make this kind of offer. You have absolutely nothing to lose.
I see new patients on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
To sign up for a free, no obligation 30-minute consultation call 919-228-8448 or Click to Schedule Online. When booking your appointment online be sure to select “Free Consultation” as the type of appointment you are booking.
Learn More
I hope you will take advantage of that great free offer. Regardless of whether or not you decide to come to see me right now, be sure to sign up for my free newsletter. I work hard to keep it informative and useful. People often tell me how much they enjoy the health tips and information I include in each issue.
It comes out about twice a month, so it won’t clog up your inbox. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Be well.
Jon-Erik Lido
Balanced Being Acupuncture
info [at] BalancedBeingAcupuncture [dot] com
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