Computer Caused Insomnia?

Man suffering from insomnia- needs acupunctureComputer Caused Insomnia effects so many people.

So many people suffer from insomnia, or poor sleep quality in America that I’ve written on the topic of sleep several times in the past. We live in a constantly connected, always-on, artificially illuminated world. Our night-time artificial lighting is easily visible from space! That’s a lot of light.

The problem is that artificial illumination is a very recent invention. Our bodies are simply not designed for it. What we are designed for is synchronization with the natural diurnal cycles of light in the day, darkness (or low, red colored lighting- like a campfire) at night. I’ve blogged about how this can be a problem with getting your body synchronized on a regular sleep schedule.

Today I want to share with you some free software that can, to some degree, help with this situation. It’s called “f.lux”. It helps adjust the color of your computer display from cooler colors in the daytime to warmer colors at night. This is helps prevent your body from getting off of a natural sleep cycle. There is more info about f.lux and sleep research at their website.

Here’s the link to download f.lux for your computer.

If you suffer from sleep issues definitely check out my tips for better sleep for some powerful techniques you can use sleep easier and better.

If you’re interested in learning more, simply schedule an appointment. To schedule an appointment call 919-228-8448, or use our online scheduling system.

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