Tag Archive for: workshop

Conquer Migraines Workshop

Man Experiencing Energy Medicine

presented by Jon-Erik Lido, L.Ac.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Woodcroft Professional Building
Durham, NC

Do you or someone you care about suffer from migraine headaches?

What if you could reduce or eliminate your need for expensive prescription drugs for treating migraines, and all of the side-effects that come with them?

Conquer Migraines is a FREE hands-on community workshop where you will discover how to regain control of your own health.

What you’ll learn:

  • Simple yoga postures, when done in a very specific way, which can reduce stress, restore lost energy, and reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. These poses will be taught by a registered yoga teacher!
  • Five enjoyable drug-freeapproaches to preventing migraines.
  • Prevent stress headache triggerswith practical stress reduction techniques. Lots of options for everyone!

Event details:

Thursday, August 21 from 7-8:30 p.m.
Woodcroft Professional Building
5501 Fortunes Ridge Dr, Suite K
Durham, NC 27713

RSVP to reserve your spot!

(919) 228-8448
info @ bb-acu.com

Live And Raw Foods Workshop

“Living” or “raw” foods are a great way to increase the nutritional density of your diet.  In this kind of diet lots of the dietary filler foods such as starches and meats get displaced by flavorful healthy vegetables and fruits with extremely high densities of vitamins and other beneficial nutrients as well as cancer fighting phytochemicals.  Even if you don’t choose to exclusively adopt this type of diet the recipes and techniques you will learn in a workshop such as this will add variety and quality to your diet.

Melissa, the instructor, is my wife so I can personally vouch for the deliciousness of the recipes you’ll be taught and get to try.  She will be putting the emphasis on easy and delicious recipes you will be able to make without exotic kitchen tools.


Saturday, October 22nd 12:00-2:00pm


Yoga Garden
101 E. Chatham Street
Suite OM
Apex, NC 27502
(919) 267-9264

Cost: $30

Pre-Registration is REQUIRED for this workshop! Click Here to Register

Instructed by Melissa Lido (The Avocado Queen) accompanied by Margaret Richards

Find out what it means to call foods “live” or “raw” while learning about the physical and spiritual benefits of living and raw foods and how they fit into a yogic diet and lifestyle. Get ideas about how to begin and maintain a living and raw foods way of life and discover recipes that can be easily prepared. Delicious living and raw foods will be served for your dining pleasure!

Register for the Workshop Here

For more recipes and insights on food and life from Melissa check out The Avocado Queen Blog.

To see if acupuncture might be right for you, give us a call at our Durham location or you may call us at 919-228-8448. If you find it easier to make an appointment online, you can simply click here to use our online schedule to set up a free face-to-face consultation.